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Beasts Page 11

  I rolled my eyes and ducked as he made a swing at me. I pounced on his legs, tackling him to the ground. We rolled around, both of us struggling to get the upper hand. I screamed as I wiggled around in my dress. I knew I should’ve worn something less restricting. Why hadn’t I changed out of this before I went and fought?

  Sebastian was next to me, with two halves of one torch in his hand, both on fire. The ease with which he swung them around almost had me drooling. Every muscle in his arm was on display as he took the monsters out with minor effort. He moved so gracefully it looked like he was dancing. I was in awe, forgetting the monster hissing at me. He was beautiful, a blur of movement and elegance as he destroyed his enemies.

  “Sebastian!” I didn’t mind that I had to ask him for help, but I minded that it was only because of my stupid dress. If I wasn’t wearing it, I would have the freedom to use my legs to help me out. His head snapped toward mine instantly, wasting no time in figuring out why I called to him. It was like lightning how fast he moved toward me. He let out a growl that had me wanting to kiss him all over again and then he threw one of his sticks at a nearby wendigo. With that hand free he picked up the wendigo that was on me and threw him on the ground. He was growling the entire time, his teeth long, claws coming out. He used the stick he had left to set it on fire and then he turned back to me.

  I wanted to run up to him so badly. He had no idea how hot he looked right now, and Goddess was it killing me. I would definitely invite him to celebrate tonight.

  I only had that thought for a second before I realized the idiocy of using fire: it continued to burn. When I had paused to look at Sebastian, I got a nice glimpse of everything else. The fire used to attack the wendigos was spreading through the grass and toward what would soon be the forest surrounding Jackson’s property. If he lost that, he’d lose the protection the trees offered against his enemies.

  He came to my side, holding out a hand to help me up. “Are you ok?” He was close enough that I could feel the heat from his body with no help from his torch. I groaned, wishing we weren’t fighting right now. I pried his stick out of his hand and stomped it out on the ground. “What was that for?” He shouted.

  “Look around you.” He looked at me like I was crazy but did as I said. He still looked confused. “The fire!”

  “Goddess,” He breathed out. “We’ve got to stop it. Mind-link Leith and try to put out any fires you can. I’ll be back.”

  I gawked at him, “You’ll be what?”

  “I have an idea, calm down.” He grinned at me and took off running. I groaned. He better come back with a water hose.

  Leith and Brett, where are both of you?

  I’m upstairs. One of them is hiding, what’s up? Leith’s voice spoke. Brett didn’t answer.

  Sebastian wanted me to let you know the fire is spreading. Forget about it. Brett! I made sure to use some of my alpha force when I called for Brett this time. He wasn’t dead, or else I would’ve felt it.

  I’m up, I’m up! Sorry, I got thrown down the stairs so I’m a little out of it. You want me to find you a water hose, Selene?

  I grinned. You know me so well.

  While I waited for the hose, or whatever Sebastian had come up with, I went around trying to stomp out the minor fires I could see. I sighed, I needed to stop the larger fires. I unzipped my dress, deciding to use that to put out some fires. Brett would kill me later, but if it helped, then so be it. I was no longer restricted and now had a sizeable piece of material to help me. I grinned, glad to have the dress off of me.

  Sebastian came out of the house with a fire extinguisher and got rid of some flames. Right after him, Brett came with the hose I’d asked for, but he stopped when he saw the condition my dress was in. He screeched, waving his hand in the air and jumping up and down. I could see him trying to form words, but it seemed he was too upset by what I did that he couldn’t come up with anything. He screamed in frustration before stomping away and swinging the hose around. I sat down, tired from attacking flames. This had been such a stupid idea.


  By the time we had put all the fires out, there were no more wendigos around. The three of us were laying on the ground. Everyone else had left already to go relax or find their friends. I knew my friends were fine, so I relaxed, as well.

  “Fire extinguisher was smart.” Brett commented, holding out a fist for Sebastian.

  Sebastian looked at it strangely. “Water hose was a pretty good idea, too.”

  Brett grinned, “It was her idea.” He reached over and grabbed Sebastian’s hand, forming it into a fist. “Bump me, bro.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Bump me. Pound it? A fist bump?”

  Sebastian looked embarrassed at not knowing what Brett was saying, so Brett took his fist and showed him. “I don’t get it.” Sebastian laughed, looking so tired yet so relaxed.

  “It’s just a silly little celebratory thing.”

  “Well then, bump me.” He held his fist out to Brett, and I had to stop myself from melting. This was cuter than I would’ve thought possible. I mean, I already knew Sebastian was attractive, but this was different. I wasn’t prepared for Sebastian to be acting so childlike. He wasn’t as scary as I originally thought, but he wasn’t exactly goofy, either.

  Three things happened next. Their fists connected, a gunshot went off, and Sebastian gasped. He shot up, clutching his chest, his face scrunched up in pain. Brett held his hands up, “I didn’t do anything!”

  “No, you didn’t.” Sebastian was up before I could even process it, storming into the house. His rage was shooting out in waves, hitting me and calling to me. I felt like I was the one who was angry for a minute. Was it the gunshot? I panicked at the thought of one of his lycans being the one who was shot, but I didn’t know what else it would be.

  He got upstairs before I did, and I heard his pained roar fill the house. I felt the wolves near me shaking in fear, worried about what would make the lycan king so angry. I didn’t need to get any closer to know it was just as I suspected. He was on his knees inside the room, reminding me of how I’d been less than a few hours ago at Clyde’s side. There was a body in front of him. Outside there were wolves standing around, no doubt waiting for their alpha to arrive. I glanced at them, my eyes widening as I realized who they were. I rushed into the room to identify the lycan, although I had a feeling I knew who that would be, too.

  I stood behind Sebastian and placed my hand on his shoulder for comfort. I looked down at the lycan. He looked unhurt, aside from the blood spot on his chest from where he’d been shot. It was obvious this man had not been involved in a fight, unless he had beaten up the person who shot him and got away unscathed. I sighed, looking down at Nat. I had forgotten to change his group yesterday. I had been about to, but I couldn’t find his group on the map and Sebastian and Cain had been convinced it was nothing. I should’ve followed my instincts. This was the second time I’d gotten someone killed.

  Sebastian hung his head, and I felt shame, whether it was from myself or him. “It’s not your fault.” I whispered, kneeling at his side.

  He looked at me, his eyes searching my face for something. “I should’ve never come here.”

  I frowned. I never would’ve seen him if he hadn’t come. He had provided training that would save lives and signed a treaty that would change the future. “I don’t believe that.”

  He scowled at me, pulling away. “You’re going to have to pick a side, Selene. Soon.” He stood up, moving further from me. He glanced back down at Nat; his eyes filled with pain. For all I knew, he’d known Nat for centuries. And now he was gone.

  I glared at the ground, not liking his words. What did he mean by sides? Who was I supposed to be choosing between?


  Tate had made us wait an entire week before deciding to have a meeting on Russel’s fate. The lycans were rightfully outraged, but no one had any power to rush Jackson’s reaper. I had urged Jackson to do somethi
ng on his own, but he wanted to trust Tate; he still thought reapers sought justice.

  “We have no concrete evidence he did anything.” Tate concluded by motioning toward Russel. He had been the wolf who originally disagreed with Nat. He was the one fighting alongside Nat that night. Everyone knew he was guilty, but Tate planned to do nothing about it. “We’ll give him 3 weeks in a cell, locked down with silver. I’m afraid that’s all I can do with no evidence.”

  There was a low rumbling. It started slow and menacing, before it turned into something louder. It was the kind of sound that sent shivers down people’s spines. The sound that made wolves turn and run in fear. It was the kind of sound that would make you regret every hurtful thing you’d ever done. It was angry and vengeful. Sebastian stood up. “I want his head.”

  There were gasps around the room. Some were shocked, others outraged and disgusted. We were in the pack council room. There was a long table at the front of the room where Tate sat. Next to him was Jackson and on Tate’s other side was Russel. The rest of us were in chairs that were set up in rows. This was as close to a hearing as it got in most packs.

  Russel smirked at Sebastian, leaning back in his chair. He knew Tate would let him get away with killing a lycan. Tate frowned, “You can’t have it.”

  “He killed my pack member, why am I not the one dealing out his punishment?” Sebastian hadn’t been happy about this from the beginning. He said since it was his man who had been killed, he had the right to oversee the consequences. While I felt like he had a point, Tate was the one who was elected to keep peace between Jackson’s pack and the lycans. Brett had made an effort before we got to the council room, but Tate shut him down pretty quickly. Brett had no claim to either pack.

  “We’ve been over this.” Tate sighed. “I am the reaper; I deal out the consequences.”

  Sebastian’s hand collided with his chair, sending it across the room. “Does the treaty mean nothing to you?” He snarled at Jackson.

  Jackson frowned, “The treaty was my idea! I have no control over Tate.”

  Sebastian growled. “Release Russel into my custody to be tried in my council room.” Jackson glanced at Tate, then back to Sebastian, hesitant. Sebastian growled again. “I played along, Jackson. I gave you the chance to punish him accordingly, and your reaper did no such thing. Release him.”

  “How do we know you won’t just kill him?”

  Sebastian laughed darkly. “What’s stopping me from killing him now?”

  I shivered, not sure how I felt about this side of Sebastian. He was dangerous, it would be stupid for someone to not fear him. His power was suffocating, surrounding everyone in the room. He commanded attention and fear, and I knew it was rare for someone to refuse him. Deep inside, I could feel it wasn’t rage that was fueling him. He was hurting. He was a constant source of pain. I assumed it was from Nat, but it seemed so deep and so endless that I wasn’t sure.

  “I think he’s right, Jax.” I sighed, not wanting to get involved. This would go on all day if no one stepped in. I wasn’t sure how much control Tate had over Jackson, but I figured this wouldn’t end well. I was hoping he respected my opinion enough to agree with me.

  Sebastian stiffened, making me think I should’ve kept my mouth shut. He glanced at me from the corner of his eye, his jaw clenched. I frowned at him. Was I not allowed to help him? This could end in his favor, so what was his problem?

  Jackson’s eyes met mine, wondering if I actually agreed with Sebastian or if it was because he’s my mate. “I have no control over Tate, Selene. And even if I did, I would need to be ensured that he would get a just punishment.”

  Sebastian scoffed, “Because 3 weeks in a cell is a just punishment for murder?”

  I glared at him, knowing he would get nowhere. He was too angry to rationalize a way out of this. I knew Tate, but I was hoping I knew my brother better. I turned back to him. “You have control over your pack, Jackson. Not Tate. If you think he should be handed over, the choice is yours. Don’t be Dad.” I stressed the last part, so he would know I wasn’t playing around. “You are the alpha.”

  He paused, our eyes locked. I could practically hear his mind racing. He didn’t want to be like our father, but he didn’t want his pack to hate him, either. If he let Russel go and Sebastian had him killed, his pack would revolt. The treaty would’ve been for nothing. “What would be a just punishment?” He spoke to Sebastian.

  “His head.” The lycans in the room all made noises of agreement, while the wolves were disgusted again.

  “Killing will not solve the issue.” Jackson stood up. “We’ll meet again tomorrow. If you can provide an alternative punishment, I’ll take it. If you’re still out for blood, he’ll get 2 years in a cell.” Jackson left the room before anyone could object.

  Sebastian growled again, kicking another chair, as the wolves in the room cleared out. I shook my head at the way this turned out. Not wanting to deal with an angry Sebastian, I stood up and made my way out. “Stay.”

  I held back the snappy response I wanted to give him. He was hurting, and I shouldn’t make it any worse. I couldn’t be mad at him for not wanting me to speak earlier. I walked toward him slowly, waiting for him to continue talking.

  He looked around at his lycans, as if unsure if he wanted to continue with them in the room. He made his choice when he spoke. “What should I do?”

  I heard a few quiet gasps, surprised that he would ask me how to deal out the punishment. I was taken back. It had seemed like he didn’t want me to get involved earlier. “You can’t kill him.”

  He took a step toward me. “I know, what do you think I should do?”

  “Why are you asking me?” I took a step back.

  “They are your people.”

  I shook my head, “Not yet, they aren’t. You should be the one who decides the punishment.”

  “That didn’t stop you from speaking up earlier. I’m asking now. Be their queen.”

  I stumbled back again. This isn’t how it was supposed to be. I wasn’t meant for this. I didn’t want to be queen or make decisions like this. I’d never even kissed him, and he wanted me to be his luna. It shouldn’t be a decision made like this. He had completely misinterpreted why I spoke up. “N-No. I only said anything because Tate was wrong, and I didn’t want Jackson to end up like my dad.”

  He narrowed his eyes, moving toward me again. “Selene, that stops nothing.” He reached for my hand, and I was too slow to dodge it. “You will be my queen. Soon.”


  His lycans had cleared the room after he declared that I would be his queen. They either assumed he wanted privacy, or he told them to clear out through their mind link. I had stood there, like a deer in the headlights, no idea how to respond. If I had been smart, I would’ve fled, but I had barely been able to think straight. I wasn’t sure how I felt knowing he was ready for me to be his queen. I know I had no plans to reject him, which would mean I’d be with him forever anyway, but this felt different. Being ready to go through with our mating was a different situation than knowing that one day we would.

  We were sitting in the empty room and had been sitting here for a while. Neither of us were willing to break the silence, and it was way past uncomfortable. I didn’t really want to talk about being queen and I also didn’t want to make the decision on Russel’s punishment.

  “I still want his head.” His voice was quiet. He looked over at me and it almost looked like he was afraid he’d scare me away. “I’m sorry if my words scared you.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not scared, I just don’t think we’re ready. I’m not ready.”

  He sighed. “You will never feel ready. It will always be terrifying.”

  “It shouldn’t be.” I argued. “Mates are meant to be. Why wouldn’t that be easy? I should want to be with you.”

  I froze, wishing I could take those words back. I didn’t mean it the way I knew it would come across. His pain was all over his face. “I didn’t k
now that’s how you felt about me. I’m sorry.” He looked away from me, and it seemed like he was ready to get up and leave.

  “It’s not!” I said it louder than I meant to, trying to stop him before he left. “That’s not what I meant. I meant that it should be something we need more than anything. Normal mates would do anything to be together. To them, it’s natural and seems like the easiest thing in the world.”

  He turned his head, confused. “They aren’t us. We are not normal.”

  “That doesn’t comfort me!” I stood up angrily. I had seen mates. The way they couldn’t stay away from each other was something every wolf dreamed of. It was exciting to know that one day you’d have someone you couldn’t live without. “You aren’t supposed to be okay not being around me for 6 years!”

  He flinched, looking apologetic. “You think I was okay with that?”

  I scoffed, “You didn’t call. You hardly wrote. You didn’t even communicate through Leith. What else would I think?”

  “Selene,” He paused, looking for the right words. “I have not had a simple life. I’ve had issues with my parents, with my siblings, with my people. I have been constantly fighting my entire life. But believe me when I tell you that not having you has been the most difficult thing I’ve experienced.”

  I felt my heart rate increase. I don’t think waiting for him was harder than losing Gabby, so if that’s how he really felt, I was surprised. I didn’t realize how much I meant to him, and my hesitancy to trust him was causing me to push him away. “That changes nothing.”